Saturday 3 July 2010

Wahoo Degree :)

The other day this week i passed my university course, to be awarded a Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours in Computer science. For some reason i had this feeling that i would suddenly feel 'clever', intellectual and intelligent the moment i achieved a degree.

But quite the opposite; it may still be sinking in but i still feel the same as before no more or less cleverer although now proud that i hold a degree, it seems like nothing in my life has changed because of it.

I would like to say this though, the third and final year (this year) has probably been the most influential to me socially and to my life in general. I have met many people over the course of my degree that have all had a impression on my life, but more so some of the closest friends that i have made this year. This year i seem more concerned with being myself as opposed to worrying about others all the time, for once i can do things for myself. I don't mean this in a self centered away but i was often to concerned about others views of me that i used to live in there shadows and restrictions. Thanks to these new friends and new parts of my life i am now confident enough to be myself.

Although I am never sure on emotions and feelings as they cant be rationalised. I can say with some level of certainty that i am actually happy at the moment, and this year wouldn't of been such a turning point in my life if it wasn't from the support from some of my weekend library colleagues, new friends from the LGBT+ Society and of course my old friends that have been there for me all the time.

I am not quite sure where i shall head in the future, i have to stay working for my current employers due to them funding my degree, but to pursue a masters (or another post graduate qualification), focus on industry qualifications or look for promotion opportunities we shall see, but for now I'm more than happy for a rest and to spend time with those that are closest to me :) (and they know who they are).

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