Tuesday 27 July 2010

Sticky Fingers, no cutlery.... a Medievil Banquet Expierence

A Couple of my friends have recently celebrated there 21st birthdays, one of which decided to invite me to a medieval banquet at Coombe Abbey last Saturday. When ever i mentioned to anyone that i was going they kept commenting about how you have to eat without cutlery. When it comes to dining and food i can be quite ocd about certain things, one of which is cutlery, so the banquet was an interesting experience.

When you first arrive you are lead into a bar / reception area by staff members dressed in period dress, the bar is decorated with medieval shields, flags, coats of arms and wooden tables. As well as members of staff being dressed up many of the guests also dress up, and for those that know me i have a real like for the medieval times and there style of formal dress. (I really want a medieval robe ;P)

Eventually after waiting we are called into the banquet hall which resembles something traditional, as such seen on TV in various programs. There were rows of large wooden tables and benches leading up to the royal families bench, and on the opposite side a stage / performance area all lit by candle light. Throughout the various courses of our meal there are songs and acting scenes taking place on the stage which all helps to give you a realistic atmosphere but with a but of a sex obsessed comical twist.

So now we come to discuss the food :)

In front of each person was a dagger (knife), A Goblet of wine, another of mead and a small bowl of water to wash your fingers in, this lack of cutlery and potential mess while eating starts to disturb me. The first course is served as 'abbots broth' a thick vegetable soup served with portions of crusty bread, which tasted rather like Heinz vegetable soup. Here within lies the first challenge of eating, a bowl of hot soup served with only bread to which I'm secretly hoping will allow me to eat it all, but alas through lack of a spoon based luxury i have to resort from drinking (slurping) from the bowl. It felt so uncivilized

Second course was 'The Royal Rib' - a rib of pork marinated in sage, cider and honey. It had a brilliant taste and the quality of the meat seemed good, although again it posed another challenge. I do not like getting my fingers plastered in greasy or sticky substances while eating, so trying to eat a rib in a honey marinade was most problematic, i managed to avoid touching it for the most part carefully dissecting with a knife before eventually i had to relent and use my fingers. Following this course you then dip your fingers in the water and smear them down yourself (you are given a towel type of bib to wear), trying desperately smearing my fingers down myself to clean them, i was so tempted to wipe them down the couple next to me - they seemed horrifically moody and irritated by the whole experience - plus smearing it down them would of been more satisfying.

Third course was 'My Barons Chicken' - A quarter of roast chicken seasoned with mace, tarragon, black pepper and a lemon and mead marinade, the taste was a little subdued but the chicken was perfectly cooked Served along side it was a whole roast potato and salad. But eating it proved a challenge, just try eating chicken with only a knife, but that wasn't the most comical moment. A simple roast potato which you try and butter and eat with only a knife, eventually i cut it into quarters and was just having to pick it up and place it directly into my face.

Pudding was 'Coombe abbey apple crumble' - apple and apricot crumble with elderflower cream, a perfect way to end a rather filling meal, and this pudding was served with the rarest and most luxurious item of all a spoon!.

I would thoroughly recommend the whole experience because of the laughs and entertainment factor, and for the sake of a one off something different night out £40 is reasonable. Overall it was a very enjoyable evening especially at the end when my friend had to stand up and have happy birthday sang to her by the whole room.

p.s. I also discovered that mead is really really nice, and i will have to try it again many times in future.

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