Saturday 23 January 2010

Emotions and Philosophy

Thought it was about time I made a post, and rather than being all hi "I’m so and so" about it I decided to take a philosophical tangent. – My beliefs and emotions

I believe...
  • Everyone needs to lose someone or something close to them to finally see what’s important.

· It may sound cliché but it’s something I believe, I (and most others) often take so much around us for granted that it takes the loss of someone close to us to stop, and think. It changes your perspective on things so much.

The passing of my gran caused this for me, when she passed away I didn’t really grieve (and still haven’t) but it made me take a step back and re-evaluate what is important and more importantly who is important to me.
  • That you can’t love until you have hated

You can’t honestly feel love until you have hated someone/something and vice-versa. Otherwise you have nothing to complete the extremes of the two emotions too which for me used to make me very uncertain of my feelings at times.

  • Relationships are always more one-sided

Although we as a species are on an eternal hunt to find out counterparts despite gender it seems naive to think that we are destined to find someone. The support and comfort of a relationship is something I greatly prise and need but the pursuit of it is the time when you need it the most.

Even when inside a relationship no matter if it is with your partner or a friend they are often one sided, someone always gives more and someone always takes more. It may seem like a bit of a cold view, but if you take a step back and re-evaluate the relationship it comes through, the easiest way would be to give and not expect anything in return but by the human condition this is not the case.


Some for the above may seem a ‘off’, but it stems from my general defensiveness and my mild beliefs in misanthropy, nihilism and absurdism.

Now for the generic comment: I’m hoping to blog a little bit more on here when I have the time (and more of an issue can motivate myself to do so)

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