Wednesday 23 June 2010

Simplier to use as the Users get simplier

It always astounds me the large volume of people who's documents have excessive amounts of line returns in them.

It would seem that as office has got simpler to use, the users have got simpler. Instead of using some of the modern conventions like page breaks, a god for large documents some of them seem persistent to use blank lines.

I fail to understand how they are willing to tolerate the annoyances of re-doing each page and formatting each time they go back to make an edit, in future i am going to force feed the culprit an enter key taken fresh from multiple keyboards for each pointless line in there document.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Deathstars and Sybreed - O2 Academy Birmingham

Sunday 20th June 2010 7:30pm @ O2 Academy Birmingham

One of the bands i have been interested in for a while, and relatively unheard of; Sybreed. Were supporting deathstars in a gig at the O2 academy a few nights ago. Both me and my cousin decided to go along, and to be honest we were more interested in the supporting act than the head liners but for the sake of £12 a ticket it was worth it.

When we got there before the doors opened at 7 there were two separate 2 queues, but with start contrasts. The first queue seemed a lot more indie/townie/prep'y right next to a queue where the only colour was the blues, greens and pinks of peoples hair, everything else was black. While waiting in the queue the singer of Sybreed walked past us, i only recognised his face from download a few weeks ago, and wouldn't of minded getting an autograph, but hey ho. Once the doors opened and we showed the tickets we went into the room, which was quite small compared to what I was expecting, but once the bands started it was rather comfortable as there wasn't massive crowds.

I Cannot remember the name of the first band, but they didn't really interest me so i just stood there mildly amusing myself with the loading and weight restriction signs on the ceiling, until eventually they arrived...

Sybreed, there set was as good as at download, probably better as I got to see it full. Throughout the crowds there were little pockets of people that had obviously came for Sybreed as much as deathstars and i think everyone that went will of left with a new band to research, which is impressive considering its only there third UK show. Go Research Sybreed now, go on! (maybe after you finish reading this post though :P)

(Sybreed - Doomsday party is a good catchy classic, and always gets a crowd moving - have a listen :] )

Next on came deathstars, they met up to the rumours i had heard about them putting on a very good show, the lead singer kept reminding me of a cross dressing friend of mine. Deathstars were able to keep the crowd wanting more throughout while each of there band went on a mild ego/power trip but the distinctive style of music combined with showmanship made for a performance with a difference.

I would certainly recommend going to see both Deathstars and Sybreed, with the latter bringing big things to the metal community in the near future.

Friday 18 June 2010

Download Festival 2010 - The captive reality bubble.

Well for those of you that are secluded from the world of Heavy Rock and metal. The download festival is the modern incarnation of the legendary 'Monsters of rock' festival making Donnington the UK home of ROCK.

Over its time the festival have seen some proper legends play, such as Iron Maiden, Metallica Linkin Park, Guns N' Roses and many more, just check it out on wikipedia or the festival website.

I have been 3 times, 2007, 2009 and 2010 and each time had an amazing time. A break from normality a bubble if you will from current affairs, news and politics where all that matters is good honest rock, metal and silly costumes.

This years festival took place once again on the hallowed pilgrimage grounds of Donnington between the 9th - 14th June. Leading up to this years festival me and my friend where having mild crisis moments trying to sort out travel, a tent and other logistics which really was only sorted out properly the night before. We set out for the usual 5 day camping affair so arriving on Wednesday. So for the full 5 day excursion i packed flapjack, cereal bars and a crate or 2 of strong bow. Alongside the traditional hygiene kit - Wet wipes, Deodorant and a comb.

Woke up early on Wednesday rather excited to have my last shower for nearly a week, (you wouldn't believe how horrible it is to not have a shower or use simple things like hairdryers or hair straighteners). Upon arriving at the site we get out of the car and dash across with all our stuff, and out of all 100,000 people going we bump into a few other friends!

After queuing for a while we get issued with wristbands, and find a spot within the blue campsite. We had our tents pitched, beers open and settled by 2pm, not bad 4 Hours form leaving to setting up :). This years wristbands design were quite poor from the previous years, a simple black on grey, although they were a lot more comfortable to sleep on.

Every Thursday i seem to forget what happens in the day time, its only really the evening when i start to remember, ironically because i get beveraged up. Me and my friend started drinking from mid afternoon and continued right up until about 1am hitting the wine at various points in time to enjoy the heightened drunkenness from mixing drinks. This is where the village comes in to its own, a mixture of overpriced poor quality food combined with overpriced fair ground rides. It would thoroughly recommend to any drunks out there going on a fun house, the waltzers or bumper cars (remember its the only time you can legally drive drunk), and with seeing double its more of a shock when you actually hit something.

Fridays main attraction were the one and only AC/DC who agreed to give a separate concert after download had closed for the day, they were that impressive they brought there own stage, sound and lighting equipment which overshadowed downloads own.

  • 36 Crazyfists were the first band i recall actually paying attention to, and lived up to the expectations as i am a fan but it was complemented beautifully when Howard Jones (From killswitch engage) joined the stage. His first public appearance since having to leave for medical reasons. Although i can imagine how disheartening it must be when everyone is chanting for him more than the main band.

  • Killswitch engage were the second and my favourite band to tear up the Donnington stage delivering a sound performance as expected with Adam D running around in his usual cape, ending with there cover of holy diver as tributes to the recent passing of Ronnie James Dio.
  • AC/DC then followed on there own stage delivering one of the most powerful and amazing sets i have ever seen. My dad has watched them perform at Donnington in his youth making this a strange right of passage for me. There set featured the hells bell, a steam locomotive, the inflatable Rosie with all there world smashing hits, it was pure music for a purely excited and hyped crowd for something which could be a once in a life time opportunity.
Now we come to an amusing story, just before AC/DC this guy came up to me and spent ages starting into my eyes claiming he could read my mind, although while doing this he was swaying backwards and forwards. It was really really strange and everything he said was wrong but he thought it was true, until he shook my hand and wandered off. Through this we did meet a nice group of AC/DC fans that were there for the day but they looked after us and when they were leaving gave us all there remaining bottles of water and food.
After this an early night is in order, its surprising how tiring it is watching bands perform all day.

Most of the music on Saturday wasn't really to my taste, but its a great time to truly experience a festival both in stores, bars, the people and discovering new bands.
  • Godsized, i had never heard of them before but there music was reasonably heavy and i think that they could over the next few years become more and more prevalent.
  • Sybreed, I am so stoked about seeing this band live in a few weeks, again one of my favourite bands. Although i arrived to only hear the last few songs of there set, it was a small taster of what is to come this weekend when they are supporting Deathstars at the Birmingham O2 Academy
  • Rage against the machine, they delivered a good set although i admit there not one of my favourite bands.
Again another early night
Sunday is usually a rock chill out day, so playing some of the old classical types of rock, a good way to end a long weekend.
  • Dommin, a band i had never heard of but presented a nice mix of keyboard and rock, although not exactly heavy have some very good songs and would be interested to keep an eye on them to see how they develop.
  • Aerosmith closed download 2010 by playing all there famous hits on a stage with lights and glamorous shiny clothing making it a perfect end with the entire crowd singing along perfectly happy and enjoying everything.
This year was the first time i have stopped Sunday night, what is rumoured to be the dangerous night, there were fire trucks and security staff patrolling most of the night, with loud rowdy drunks everywhere. Sleeping with at least one eye and nostril open making sure your not getting burnt alive is a strange feeling.

The moment i got back home from download i ate, showered, washed, and started sleeping to recover. So i have just under 12 months to recover before next years, to this i say bring on the drunks, bands and camping :)

What have I been up to?

It’s been a very long time since my last blog post, I was trying to get into the habit of doing on a week (usually while at work :p). So since my last post I have been manically writing my dissertation and major project – an investigation into implementations of network access control technology, and sitting exams. As well as other more social/fun things:

NUS LGBT Conference 7-9th May
I attended the NUS LGBT conference in Liverpool this year, taking place over the weekend there were various talks, policy meetings and political motions to be passed, as well as socials. I couldn't help but feel like Malcolm tucker wandering around the hotel with my phone and paperwork, because the decor was that horrible parliamentary green. Conference its self was a very long and tiring event starting most mornings at 9 straight into policy debates right up until 8pm, then followed by social events.

This year one of the groups I'm affiliated with - The West Midlands Coalition (Now the Coalition Midlands LGBT) scooped an award for 'LGBT Event of the year' for joint efforts by Birmingham, BCU, Coventry and Warwick LGBT groups to bring together a series of events for LGBT History month (February)

Exams and End of University Celebrations  - 26th May
So for those not aware i have been studying a Computer science degree and pending results have just completed my third year. I have managed to survive the long torment of a dissertation and exams which all came to pass with a lovely night out fuelled by alcohol and absinthe. The other day i had my project presentation which considering how little i prepared for i felt remarkably confident about and don't think i have anything to worry  about.

Birmingham Pride 2010 - 29-30th May
This was the first year i have been to Birmingham pride, and along with going The Coalition were sponsored by Missing Bar, providing us with a tent and a small bar from where we could host our own student campaign events. Although i did not take part in the parade i watched it from the side lines and found it very interesting and diverse, which is just what we need, to show that the LGBT community are real people with real interests.

I was impressed by the amount of heteronormative couples or  straight couples wandering around within the village over the weekend, some even bringing there kids who were happily supporting the LGBT rights movement by wearing badges and just generally having a good time.

I went for both days, the Saturday consisted mainly of wandering around looking at what was going on and later on coming back home to rest, as it was really expensive entry wise to the clubs at night. Sunday was a little more different because I ended up drinking all day, but i met some very good friends and nice people who made the day so much more fun.

On balance it was a good fun weekend, with lots going on for everyone and i will be interested to see what next years is like.


Finally the Download Festival - which is in its own blog post, purely because its more recent and I can remember it.